Water Division

The core objective of WSRC’s Water Resource Division is to utilize the Company’s USD $60+ Million of Water Rights, Delivery, and Storage infrastructure to the advantage of its shareholders through “beneficial use” under Colorado Water Law.

Water Rights & Beneficial Use

The core objective of WSRC’s Water Resource Division is to utilize the Company’s USD $60+ Million of Water Rights, Delivery, and Storage infrastructure to the advantage of its shareholders through “beneficial use” under Colorado Water Law.


Large-scale organic hay and alfalfa production; industrial hemp irrigation and cultivation; and organic greenhouse production.


Supplying water to 3 existing rural subdivisions, and now being applied to development of a new residential community of affordable hemp-based homes.


Irrigating and cultivating industrial hemp for initial processing and subsequent manufacture of hemp-based construction materials with which to build affordable homes—both on site, and for sale to other developer/builders in the Western United States.

Delivery & Storage

8 miles of redundant underground 8” and 4” high pressure pipelines, as well as both underground and above-ground storage.


Lakes and ponds built for water storage are also used for recreational purposes.

Wildlife Habitat

Creating and maintaining current wildlife habitats in the surrounding area.

Western Sierra's Water Asset Valuation

The Company’s water assets have been independently valued according to multiple MAI Appraisals, Water Engineer’s Valuation, Water Law Attorney’s Summary of Value, other Profressional 3rd Party Sources at over $60 Million USD.





8+ Miles

High Pressure Lines

Read the full project write-up